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Marius (as Guest) Thursday, July 25 2002 03:52 Thursday, July 25 2002 03:52 #26
Hi ! I think I'll learn german but in the meantime can you please translate a bit of the site in English . By the way is it possible to gain ( keep at least ) your prestiege without the 10 $ ? ( which I can't pay :) . If anybody knows anything about this please email me . Thanks !

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killer (as Guest) Wednesday, July 24 2002 16:41 Wednesday, July 24 2002 16:41 #25
E-mail Homepage

how are you?

I want to have a flashcount as your site,but i can not do .

can you help me ? if you can help me ,please you email me.


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TX2morrow (as Guest) Monday, July 15 2002 13:02 Monday, July 15 2002 13:02 #24
Muss mich Nummer 23 anschließen. Wenn ihr das Neongrün, in Rot oder ein Blau ändert, dann sticht dieser kontrast nicht so in die Augen. Aber trotzdem thanks für den Client.

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Hardwired (as Guest) Thursday, July 11 2002 15:38 Thursday, July 11 2002 15:38 #23

Grauenhafte Seite was die Oberfläche angeht, aber danke für den Darkspace Client!

Notiz: keine Ursache, und uns gefaellts so :)

<font size="1">[ bearbeitet durch [MoA]Administration July 12 2002]</font>

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Goldorak (as Guest) Friday, July 05 2002 11:40 Friday, July 05 2002 11:40 #22
THX for serving the DarkSpace Client!
Nice to have a EU site serving.
maybe try to get some Dutch fans add a Dutch page to this site?

Notice: Hi Goldorak, now after the redesign it's no prob to include dutch translations for the main functions, but translating all content (e.g DarkspaceManual or the other gamesstuff) into dutch ... it would be many work and sorry, i can't speak dutch.
cya Franky

<font size="1">[Eintrag durch Webmaster editiert August 2 2002]</font>

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Chad (as Guest) Monday, June 10 2002 03:22 Monday, June 10 2002 03:22 #21
I have no idea what this site is about since it's mostly in German. But you were nice enough to host the Darkspace Installer for me to download, so I thought I'd sign your guestbook as per the request posted.

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pcg|*angel* (as Guest) Saturday, April 20 2002 02:11 Saturday, April 20 2002 02:11 #20
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moin moin leude h3h3 schade das ihr kein cs zoggt h3h3 ! die hp iz net schlecht aber man könnte was verbessern *s* bin aba net zum meckern hier möchte nur mal ganz fedd den Saiyajin grüßen h3h3 der olle aufreißer *s*

haunze rein


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[FoB] Beric (as Guest) Wednesday, February 20 2002 12:50 Wednesday, February 20 2002 12:50 #19
E-mail Homepage
Hi Frank,

die Seite hier ist echt genial !
Macht Spass hier langzusurfen !


P.S.: Lass mal wieder was von dir hören

<img src="" border=0>

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Creeper (as Guest) Friday, February 08 2002 18:06 Friday, February 08 2002 18:06 #18

Hoi guys

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ZaKNaFeIN5th (as Guest) Wednesday, January 16 2002 12:36 Wednesday, January 16 2002 12:36 #17
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Habt ihr lust auf einen FW??
Dann meldet euch bei mir!!

Oder auf unserer Homepage

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Summ Summ (as Guest) Wednesday, January 09 2002 17:09 Wednesday, January 09 2002 17:09 #16

[MoA] Olé!!!

Summ Summ :cool:

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Waldfee-GSF (as Guest) Saturday, January 05 2002 20:29 Saturday, January 05 2002 20:29 #15
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Hoi Leutz :)
1a muß ich sagen, macht wirklich Spaß sich Eure Site anzuschauen...

Gerade habe ich mir die gesamten HNN News durch-gelesen... Nur cool :)
Fast so gut wie schönes Buch! *g*

Weiter so

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ODO (as Guest) Friday, January 04 2002 14:18 Friday, January 04 2002 14:18 #14

Sers, schaut klasse aus , weiter so!!!!!!

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FMA-KKlinzhai (as Guest) Saturday, December 08 2001 04:27 Saturday, December 08 2001 04:27 #13
Hi... Ein schöner Gruß an alle MoA´s, besonders an die Conquester... Hoffe man sieht sich mal bei

Bye FMA-KKlinzhai

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FMA-MaDDoG Tuesday, December 04 2001 15:04 Tuesday, December 04 2001 15:04 #12
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So jetze hab ich das geschnallt mit dem Teilchen hier :)

Grüße von der FMA, entbiete ich Euch...

Admiral MaDDoG
Flottenkommando FMA

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