Articles in category: DarkSpace

23 Articles (5 Pages, 5 Articles per Page)

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Version 1.5 is Alive!

There are those who say this day would never come. What are they to say now? - Prophet of Truth

After a very, very, very long 3 years of sporadic development, 1.500 has finally been released.




Wieder überlebt

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Free Trial

hoi hoi all, Again we have a free trial in Darkspace it started 05/08/04 and it will end 05/22/04. All servers and Prestige gain open for everyone. und wieder einmal bietet Darkspace ein Free Trial an. beginned am 8.5.04 bis zum 22.5.04 Alle Server und Prestige gain ist offen für jedermann



K´Luth Defeated

Hoi hoi MoA,

Heute fand eine große Schlacht ihr Ende...

Today a big battle has ended...

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Server Umzug/Server maintance

Hoi hoi all,

seit 17:00 CET findet ein server umzug bei Palestar statt.../

Since 17:00 CET teh palestar Server are under maintance ...servers online again

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23 Articles (5 Pages, 5 Articles per Page)

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